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Brilliant Conversions By Determining The Gender Of Customers Via Gender API

Gender API

Gender information about your customers and other prospects gives you a significant advantage and places you one step ahead of the competition. You will be able to maximize conversions and focus your marketing efforts on a specific customer base if you find out the gender of your customers. Automating determining the gender of a customer by their names or email addresses requires a powerful gender API. We’ll learn about it in this tutorial.

How to Determine the Gender of Customer?

To determine the gender of a customer, there are algorithms or services that process names, surnames and email addresses to determine the gender of the person. 

For instance, Gender API by APILayer Marketplace is an easy-to-integrate solution that enhances all your existing records with gender information within minutes. 

You need to send us the input through an API, and we will return the split-up name and gender to your application or website.

What is Gender API?

Our Gender API can easily integrate into every existing platform in any language. You can upload any Excel or CSV file in just a few clicks, and we will enrich the file with gender information.

Plus, you can easily genderize names in every Google Sheets document.

Gender API provides various functionalities, and you can access them via its API endpoints here:

  • Query by a first name
  • Query by a full name
  • Determine by email address
  • Query multiple names
  • Get a name’s country of origin.

Simply by using their first name, Gender-API can tell you what gender your consumers are. Your clients are no longer required to volunteer this data.

Using the Gender API, you can query multiple names with a single API call, allowing you to populate existing records more thoroughly.

What are the Features of Gender Determination API?

Gender-API also allows you to tailor your queries to your preferred language and country. Although Andrea is more commonly given to males in Italy, the name is gender-neutral in Germany and the United States. Our API will take all of these factors into account and return a confidence score indicating how probable it is that the result is accurate.

Similarly, the API may break down a full name into its components. In response to a query for “Theresa Miller,” our API will offer the full name of the person you’re looking for and their gender.

How to Integrate Gender API?

APILayer provides API Live Playground, where you can test all the endpoints without leaving the browser. 

First, sign up with a free subscription plan, and you will see your API access key on your dashboard. With this API access key, you can make requests to the endpoints like this: 

Moreover, in the documentation, you can see that we provide various examples in several programming languages. 

gender api
API Live Playground – APILayer – Gender API

Furthermore, check out these tutorials to learn more about how to automate various tasks using APIs:

Why Should You Use Gender API by APILayer?

APILayer is one of the most reliable API providers in the market. With a free or “try-out” subscription plan, you can quickly analyze how the API works and what it can provide. Furthermore, the subscription plans are much cheaper compared to the original provides, which is fantastic. 

To use this opportunity – sign up now to improve conversions, enrich existing data and drive sales with a low-cost, easy and fast-to-integrate API.

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