7 Reliable Phone Number Validation API For Your Next Development

In the past years, companies used an email validation process to prove ownership of a newly made account. However, email validation is not enough to prevent fraud and verify account ownership. Therefore, developers started to use a phone number validation API, such as a number lookup API, to verify ownership of new accounts.  What Is Phone Number Validation API? A phone number validation API…
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The 5 Best Real Estate APIs

The number of real estate websites is increasing day by day. Websites that provide real estate services online instead of traditional methods make people’s lives easier. With a single application, you can get the information of the houses for sale or rent in the city…

Phone Lookup API: Everything You Need To Know

There are more than 7 billion mobile phone users around the world, and this number is increasing!  Mobile phone use is now so common, that your mobile number is linked to your identity — each mobile number is unique to a specific user.  You have definitely already used a two-step verification process that requires your password in addition to a security code sent by SMS to your phone.
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A Complete Guide to Google Search Result Scraping

Interested in learning about Google Search Result Scraping? Here is a beginner’s guide for you to learn the basics. Scraping may be a new concept for your business or personal projects but it’s been in use for a while by digital marketers, data analysts, and IT professionals. Let’s set the scene with the basics first. You may need to monitor your website ranking performance over time for…
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What is Swagger? Why Do You Need it for Your Project?

One of the most essential requirements in the API development phase is creating detailed documentation. The API documentation explains what the API methods do or how they are used. Thus, it serves as a guide or reference manual for other developers integrating the API in their apps. However, writing comprehensive and user-friendly API documentation manually is challenging. Moreover, it is…
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