
How to Improve Developer Productivity With Public APIs

Do you know how developers can be more productive? Whether you’re a developer or have to lead the developer’s team, good productivity means you have done more work without additional time and resources. So if you want to boost the developer’s productivity and create value for the shareholders and customers without any extra staff, then this guide is for you. In this…
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How to Integrate API and Build Stunning Web Apps

API stands for Application Programming Interface. API integration refers to the process of connecting two software applications to exchange data and enhance productivity. Consequently, APIs are powerful tools that allow seamless sharing of important data between linked…

The Benefits Of Selling Your API

In today’s digital landscape, APIs have become a critical tool for businesses looking to remain competitive and agile. Despite the growing popularity of free open APIs, many companies are missing out on opportunities to monetize their technology by selling their APIs.

Free APIs to Use: Expectations vs. Reality

APIs have become an essential part of many web and mobile apps. From Google and Facebook to Amazon (AWS,) many tech giants use APIs. In fact, most of us often use an API without knowing it. For instance, when we check weather data on a weather app, we essentially use an API. Similarly, every time we log in to Facebook or make a request, we use an API. An API (Application Programming Interface)…
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The Benefits of Using Free API Products

APIs are used for different purposes across all types of software and can be open to the public, restricted between strategic partners, for internal use only, or a composite of other data and service APIs. Today, a lot of public APIs are available to developers for free.

Introduction To API Products

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a helpful technology that enables developers to build apps quickly using existing functionality and data. This way, developers don’t have to start from scratch to build a specific app. For example, if you’re looking…

Building an API Marketplace: Essential Steps and Best Practices

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable you to open up your app’s data and functionality to third-party developers and business partners. They allow services and products to communicate with each other. You can utilize them to accelerate the business process. As a result, API markets are becoming increasingly important. They connect API providers and consumers. They enable you to…
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7 Best Examples Of APIs We Use In Our Everyday Lives

APIs play a significant role in our everyday lives without us knowing about them. Today, we will go over the best free APIs you need to know about and show some examples of APIs. APIs are responsible for many functions and back-end processes outside our field of view.

What Makes Restful APIs Powerful And Popular?

Application programming interfaces, or APIs, are responsible for the commercial success of thousands of businesses. By serving as intermediaries between web applications, APIs enable millions of users to access a range of web products on the Internet. Restful APIs play a major role in microservices which is one of the most popular topics nowadays. Any powerful API follows a certain set of best…
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