
IP to Geolocation: Expectations vs. Reality

IP to geolocation is an incredibly helpful technology for companies that want to give their users a personalized experience. By using IP to geolocation data, companies can customize the content on their website for customers from a specific continent, county, or city. They can also show different product offers to customers in different locations, and deliver more relevant content by redirecting…
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Easily Spider Websites Using Node.js And Powerful REST APIs

What is scrapestack, and What Makes it Powerful for Web Scraping? The scrapestack API was built to offer a simple REST API interface for scraping web pages at scale without having to programmatically deal with geolocations, IP blocks, or CAPTCHAs. The API supports a series of features essential to web scrapings, such as JavaScript rendering, custom HTTP headers, various geo-targets…
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5 Ways To Automate Visitor Tracking And Identification On Your Website

Tracking the visitor traffic on websites is a valuable activity that can help companies explore their user base and make appropriate decisions according to them. However, the amount of effort your internal engineering team will put into creating a user tracking mechanism might be overkill especially in the likes of industry-leading tools such as ipstack.  The ipstack is a third-party…
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