How To Create A Weather App For Windows And Mobile Using An API

Creating a weather app for both Windows and mobile platforms using an API is an exciting project. It taps into real-time data and user interface design. Whether you’re a budding developer or a seasoned programmer, this guide will help you understand every aspect of weather app APIs. You will learn how to create a cross-platform real-world weather application using a weather app API called…
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How To Integrate Stock Market Data Into Native Cross-Platform Apps?

If you are going to utilize worldwide stock market data in your system, the MarketStack API can help you to easily fetch real-time, intraday, and the historical stock market in seconds. You can obtain real-time stock market data for any ticker down to the minutes, also you can do send a request for intraday quotes and 30+ years of stock market data available. Marketstack also pairs great…
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