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Top 10 Email Validator Tools In 2023

Top 10 Email Validator Tools In 2022

The sphere of emails and email validator services can be confusing for a lot of people. For those who aim to create a newsletter and build an audience, things can be extremely difficult without an email service API. Specifically, people can enter invalid or fake emails and create charts or statistics which are not legitimate. Newsletter managers might think they have a lot of valid emails, only to eventually realize that this is not always the case.

Email validation is a tool, or procedure, that aims to resolve this issue many have encountered within the sphere of emails. Let’s dive in and go over everything you need to know about email validator tools as we uncover the top 10 options.

What is Email Validation?

When we look at Email Validation, this is essentially a procedure that determines whether or not an email address can be reachable or even valid. Its main goal is to execute a quick process that can detect typos, whether they are errors or deliberate misdirections. Tools were developed to verify whether some email addresses are actually associated with a reputable domain or not as well. 

This means that numerous email validation tools aim to verify mailing lists, find invalid, incorrect, non-existent and undeliverable email addresses, and ultimately remove them. 

email validator

Let’s imagine that you are, for example, making great efforts towards collecting email addresses in different ways. You send an important email to the vast contact list. However, you figured out over time that most of the contacts were not valid or correctly formatted. The solution to this issue is email validation. 

If you are curious about what an API is, or what an API key is, you can easily learn about them. Remember to also go over what is SMTP.

The main reasons why you have to validate your email list include:

  • Decrease the hard bounces
  • Avoiding risky email addresses
  • Improving the inbox deliverability
  • Getting accurate marketing data
  • Boosting the overall reputation of the brand
  • Removing spam complaints
  • Increasing the rate of engagement
  • Reducing overall costs associated with email marketing

Another interesting aspect is that you don’t have to do email validation continuously. You only need to apply and utilize these tools at the point in time when you get new recipients added to the list, your bounce rate increases, or you get low open rates.

What Are The Best Email Validator Tools In 2023?


Mailboxlayer is a powerful email validation and verification JSON API for developers, which features a simple REST API that measures email discoverability and quality. It offers full verification, simple and secure API, advanced tools, and is easy on the user’s budget.

Sign up free to Mailboxlayer to boost your business with the best email validator tool!


ZeroBounce is yet another fast and secure email validation service that allows users to connect with their customers by driving up open rates and ROI with accurate email verification. It is driven by artificial intelligence scoring and numerous discoverability tools.


Hunter.io is a tool that allows users to find professional email addresses in seconds and helps them connect with important people for business. It offers additional tools, such as domain search, which gives users access to a list of people working with a company with their names and email address.


DeBounce is a product that aims to offer fast and reliable email verification, and validation alongside an email checker and bulk verify tool. The main goal of using DeBounce is to remove invalid, disposable, spam-trap, syntax, and deactivated emails.

Voila Norbert

Voila Norbert is a service that allows users to fill up their pipelines with qualified leads and build business development. They can hunt down talent, reach out with the right message, and find the right reporters to create buzz. There are also content marketing tools.


EmailListVerify allows users to get rid of spam traps, bounces, and disposable or catch-all emails, all of which can be done with a bulk email verifier. Furthermore, there is also a real-time API. 


Clearout is a tool that enables users to protect their sender’s reputation within email marketing. Its main goal is to detect and remove abuses, spam traps, or invalid emails, and it does this in bulk.


Mailfloss is essentially a service that automatically removes invalid email addresses. Additionally, all users need to do is connect to their email service provider, after which the tool can automatically remove invalid email addresses. This way, the emails you send will essentially get in front of real customers.

Email Checker

Email Checker, as the name might imply, is a tool that lets users find out if an email address is valid or not. It’s a free email address verification tool, where users just need to enter the email address and click the check button. This is a manual way through which emails can be checked. However, this is what you need to do if you want to use email validator online for free.


MailerCheck is a tool intended to let users get control of their email list and improve their overall deliverability. Ultimately, it is a tool that can list verified email addresses and clean the junk.

Why Use Email Validation Tools?

The key reason why email validation tools play such an important role is that they can verify the email list for invalid emails, spam traps, and hard bounces. This means that it can aid in the process of separating low-quality addresses from high-value addresses. Additionally, this ensures that the emails are sent to real people.

Why Use Email Validation Tools

How To Choose The Best Email Validator For Your Business?

This will ultimately be a decision based on your specific goals and budget. 

Additionally, if you are looking for a free, manual solution, the option is there. But, if you value your time, you can purchase a premium tool that will bulk remove everything and automate things for you. Moreover, it will ultimately save you time, effort, and headaches. 

Moreover, these ten represent some of the best available tools. Ready to get started?

Check out the Email Verification API from apilayer.


What is an email validator?

An email validator is a tool that aims to provide you with access to the procedure that can verify if an email address is actually deliverable and valid. Furthermore, runs a procedure that can catch typos and determine which addresses might make purposeful misdirects. It can also confirm if a specific email address exists with reliable domains. 

How to validate email addresses?

The main way email addresses can be validated is through email validator tools, out of which numerous options are consistently available.

How to validate emails?

To verify an email, you need to check the spellings, do a syntax validation, hunt the disposable email addresses, monitor the DNS behind the contract, and ping the email box.

How can you verify if an email is valid?

There are numerous ways to verify an email address’s validity. Furthermore, the email address features an @ symbol, a dot, and ASCII characters. The first part features private information. Additionally, the second one features a domain name in which the email is registered. 

How do I know if an email is real?

Typically, the first part of an email would contain uppercase or lowercase alphabet letters, such as A, b, c, and others. Additionally, it will also feature symbols such as @ or _ or others. It will feature a full stop or a dot. Then, the email address will also contain dots, hyphens, digits, and letters. You need to go over valid email addresses to analyze them or use email validator tools. 

How do I validate an email format?

A valid email address will typically consist of four parts. These will include the recipient name, @ symbol, the domain name, and moreover, the top-level domain. The domain name defines a space on the internet owned by a mailbox provider. The top-level domain is the highest level of the domain name system. 

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