Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


Free Real Time Foreign Currency Exchange Rate API with Currency Conversion

Technological advancements have transformed various sectors, including finance, with groundbreaking innovations. Foreign currency exchange rate transactions that once required several days to complete can now be executed in seconds via mobile phones. These developments have significantly propelled progress in the finance and investment sector.  Investors or businesses can now make instant…
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API Automation: Automating Tasks with APIs

Automation is a boon of the digital age. Since its introduction, it has helped productivity, profit, and usability soar greatly, saving time and money wherever it’s implemented. For instance, tasks that required hours or days of manual work now take seconds to finish with…

RESTful Web API Design - A Comprehensive Guide

REST APIs have increased in popularity in the software development world in recent years. REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that enables data communication between applications and forms the basis of web-based services. RESTful Web API makes it…

Which News API Is Accurate and Worth Integrating?

The internet can provide updates about the latest news worldwide. However, most people are shifting from traditional news resources such as newspapers and televisions to online technologies, and the older ways of knowing about global news are abandoned. Seeing this progress, developers have started implementing the best news APIs like Zernserp Google News API. Most developers integrate their…
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How to Collect Historical Weather Data Using an API

Nowadays, with the development of technology for businesses, the importance of weather is increasing. Weather forecasts and data play a critical role in the strategic planning of businesses, especially in sectors such as agriculture, transportation, and tourism. Predicting…

Service Mesh vs API Gateway: Choosing the Right Infrastructure for Your Application

The world of software development is becoming more complex and scalable by the day. In this process, microservice architecture offers a more modular and flexible approach, replacing large monolithic applications. Today, many applications consist of hundreds of small internal services, and these services usually communicate with each other using API or Application Programming Interface. However…
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A Step-by-Step Guide To An Exchange Rate API

With the acceleration of globalization and digitalization in recent years, exchange rates have become especially important for almost every sector and investor. With the increase in international trade, businesses and investors need to accurately follow the rates of change.
APICurrencyForex Trading

What Is FIX API In Forex?

An API (Application Programming Interface) allows your app to communicate easily with different data sources. In other words, you can integrate an API into your app to fetch relevant data from various sources. This way, you don’t have to gather data from several sources by…

IP Geolocation API: Resolve IP Lookup Info Inside Google Sheets

Tracking website visitor traffic is a valuable activity that can help companies explore their user base and make appropriate decisions based on it. However, the amount of effort your internal engineering team will put into creating a user tracking mechanism might be overkill, especially in the case of industry-leading tools such as ipstack IP geolocation API. You will also learn about this IP…
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