
Automated Social Media Monitoring ChatGPT App With Keyword Extraction, Sentiment Analysis API

We say we live in an era where data is the new oil, but we have limited power over this massive body of data. Moreover, this data, most of the time, stays as raw data without making something useful out of it. Businesses are continuously seeking new tools to extract practical insights from the vast sea of unstructured data available on the internet. One of the substantial sources of this data is…
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Web API vs REST API: 5 Key Differences

With technological advancements, various types of Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, have been introduced in the market. Designed to cater to various requirements, APIs are slowly becoming integral to software development. The most popular APIs include REST and Web…

API Testing Tutorial: What Is API Automation Testing?

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) consists of the stages of software development processes. One of these stages is the testing stage. The testing stage is important between the software development process and the transition to the production environment. Today, many tests of applications developed by software teams, such as UI testing, API automation testing, and more, are performed at this…
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Explore Top Free APIs on APILayer Marketplace for 2024 Projects

Are you ready to take your software development skills to the next level in 2024? One of the most important tools at your disposal is using free APIs. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, provide developers access to pre-built code and functionality that can save…

10 Must-Have Free APIs for Your Next Project

Today, many web and mobile apps serve their users in many ways such as obtaining location data of users of an e-commerce application and providing weather information. These applications obtain most of the data they provide to their users from a web API instead of providing…

Discover the Power of Free APIs: A Comprehensive Guide

We all hunger to create something exceptional, but our biggest obstacle is the lack of new ideas. Free APIs can help! Developers often get stuck on what to make next. Have you also run out of new ideas? A Free API list is all you need to get started with your next development project. A developer can create high-end applications with these Free APIs at zero cost. But the question is, where will…
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Free APIs vs Paid APIs: Which One to Choose for Your Project

The public API concept enables businesses and developers to access or produce data easily. A few examples are: Twitter API for Twitter data. Geolocation API for geolocation data. Scraping API for results of search engines. Today, it is possible to find public APIs in…

The Benefits Of Selling Your API

In today’s digital landscape, APIs have become a critical tool for businesses looking to remain competitive and agile. Despite the growing popularity of free open APIs, many companies are missing out on opportunities to monetize their technology by selling their APIs.

Popular Free Public APIs & Their Uses

Looking to build innovative software without reinventing the wheel? Use public APIs! These pre-built tools allow the software to communicate seamlessly. We’ll explore free public APIs like Google Maps, OpenWeatherMap, Twitter, and GitHub. By leveraging these free public APIs, developers can quickly build cost-effective software with existing functions. The benefits of using free…
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