
How to Easily Implement "Did You Mean This" in Your App?

Data accuracy and correction are issues of fundamental importance in the field of information technologies today. Accurate and reliable data helps businesses determine the right direction in their decision-making processes and move toward their goals more effectively. In particular, the accuracy of text data plays a critical role in ensuring semantic integrity in communication. Therefore, tools…
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The Top 10 Website Examples Using IP Geolocator

Geographic location data has gained increasing importance recently with the rapid advancement of technology. With the widespread use of the Internet and the proliferation of mobile devices, accessing and using users’ geolocation information has become critical for many…

Query Parameters – What Are Query Parameters?

In this article, we’ll provide a thorough understanding of query parameters with examples. What is a Query Parameter? A query parameter is a set of parameters (key-value pair) appended to the end of a URL.  They’re URL extensions that provide additional information to a server when making requests. In other words, query parameters let us define customized content or actions based on the…
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How To Create Email Validation Service With NodeJS

The accuracy and legitimacy of email addresses are highly important for effective communication, be it for personal or business purposes. Why is this important? It’s pretty simple really. As a marketer, you spend time creating and maintaining an ever-growing email database. If you regularly send emails to invalid addresses, you could run into trouble. ISPs monitor email senders and high…
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Build an Aviation Dashboard: Track Flights & Airline Data Easily

Looking to create an aviation dashboard or an online flight tracker?  If the answer is yes, then you can tap into an extensive set of aviation data, including real-time flight status, historical flights, schedules, airline routes, and airports as well as aircraft, and more.

Node JS Currency Converter Application Tutorial in 2024

Ever thought about adding exchange rates and currency conversion to your Node.js app? This is for you if you’re building a business app that deals with money from different countries. In this blog, we’ll talk about CurrencyLayer API, a tool that helps fetch real-time exchange rates. Moreover, we will also create a Node JS currency converter. We’ll explain why CurrencyLayer is a…
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