Use Of Patch vs Put Methods In REST API Real-Life Scenarios

At the point in time when someone begins learning web development and HTTP, alongside PATCH vs PUT specification, they might confuse some users. PUT and REST are part of numerous API products. This occurs for the type of verb used and when used. With most applications in CRUD – create and read, retrieve, update and delete – developers need to learn how to match HTTP verbs and…
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What Is Validation Of Email And How Does It Help You?

We should have email validation if we want successful email marketing for our businesses. It is important that the list of emails we get are valid and error-free. Errors happen when someone makes typos while writing email addresses. People are mostly in a hurry to fill in…

Top 10 Email Validator Tools In 2023

The sphere of emails and email validator services can be confusing for a lot of people. For those who aim to create a newsletter and build an audience, things can be extremely difficult without an email service API. Specifically, people can enter invalid or fake emails and…

An Ultimate Guide To HTTP PUT vs POST In REST API In 2023

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is an application layer protocol in the internet protocol suit model for hypermedia information systems, collaborative, and distributed systems, etc. We can find several HTTP methods to solve multiple problems online. This article will explain about PUT vs POST method. We can test public APIs using these methods. For example, if we have to…
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An Introduction To Email APIs And How You Can Use Them

Emails have been the primary way we communicate since their inception, alongside live-chat messaging. Email API solutions can enhance these experiences through email API integration. At the start, we did not have at the time many email API integration options. One person…

Easily Resize And Create Image Assets For Social Media With An API

If you are a developer dealing with many images, you probably understand the importance of having a good workflow for quickly creating different versions of an image. In this tutorial, I will introduce you to an API that can help you resize and create image assets for social media networks with just a few lines of code! What Is An API? An API is an application programming interface.
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Create your first REST API in Django Rest Framework

Python, one of the most popular programming languages ​​today, is used for almost every subject in the field of informatics. Although we often hear the name of Python in the fields of artificial intelligence and data analysis, the use of Python is not limited to this.

13 REST API Interview Questions You Need to Know

The importance and use of web services in today’s software technologies is increasing. Many systems and applications now communicate with each other through web services and exchange data. The most widely used type of web service today is the REST API. There are many…

Best Practices For Your API Versioning Strategy

While developing the API, there is one reality that we should keep in mind, which is the principle of ‘Change is Inevitable’. Although we are carrying out business-oriented work during the development process, we may need to add more responsibilities to the API, either due to unpredictable or later needs. In such a case, we need to version the APIs as a result of each update, in order…
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