
Easy Steps to Automate Data Security by Verifying New Phone Prospects with Zapier

In this roundup, we will explain how integrating Google Forms, Google Sheets, and Numverify through Zapier can significantly enhance the security and accuracy of managing international phone numbers for new sales prospects.  At the end of this roundup, we will show you a practical step-by-step guide on how to link your API key from a basic Numverify API plan into a Zap that automates the…
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The Best Free APIs to Use in 2024 for Your Business

A REST API, often known as a RESTful API, is an application programming interface that complies with a simple object access protocol to facilitate communication with RESTful web services. Roy Fielding, a software developer, created the acronym REST, which refers to…

App Store Search API: How To Optimize Your App's Visibility

The popularity of iOS, the operating system developed by Apple for mobile devices, is increasing day by day. In response to this increasing demand, developers are constantly developing and publishing iOS-compatible applications on the App Store. According to the latest…

How to Find the Best Free Geocoding API Solutions in 2024?

Geocoding refers to converting the physical location or description of a location, such as a city name or address, into geographic coordinates, namely latitude and longitude. It is a super helpful technique with several use cases. For example, businesses use geocoding data to streamline operations, keep track of key locations that are relevant to their business, recognize patterns, and manage…
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The Anatomy of a Great Email Checker API

Verifying email IDs is critical to the success of your marketing campaign. Without validation, you cannot separate genuine clients from fake customers, and as a result, you can’t reach genuine buyers. By using a great email checker API, you can effectively verify the email…

Automate the Image Editing Process with Background Removal API

Have you ever taken a great photo only to find the background distracting? Background removal is the process of getting rid of unwanted elements from images, which is important in photography and e-commerce. This blog will explain the importance of background removal API and its use in various industries, focusing on APILayer’s popular background removal API. We’ll discuss the…
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How To Filter Search Results with Google Image Search API?

Retrieving image search results from Google can be helpful to businesses in various ways. For instance, image search results provide valuable insights into popular products and consumer preferences within a specific industry/niche. Businesses can also retrieve image search results for competitor analysis. They can assess how competitors are positioning their products and what visual content they…
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