Service Mesh vs API Gateway: Choosing the Right Infrastructure for Your Application

The world of software development is becoming more complex and scalable by the day. In this process, microservice architecture offers a more modular and flexible approach, replacing large monolithic applications. Today, many applications consist of hundreds of small internal services, and these services usually communicate with each other using API or Application Programming Interface. However…
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A Step-by-Step Guide To An Exchange Rate API

With the acceleration of globalization and digitalization in recent years, exchange rates have become especially important for almost every sector and investor. With the increase in international trade, businesses and investors need to accurately follow the rates of change.
APICurrencyForex Trading

What Is FIX API In Forex?

An API (Application Programming Interface) allows your app to communicate easily with different data sources. In other words, you can integrate an API into your app to fetch relevant data from various sources. This way, you don’t have to gather data from several sources by…

Geocoding | Getting Started With a Geo API Service Using NodeJS

Ever wonder how apps like Uber know exactly where you are? They use a process called geocoding, which converts addresses into map coordinates. Positionstack is an API that makes geocoding easy. This blog will explain positionstack and why it’s helpful. It covers over 2 billion places worldwide. We’ll also discuss its features, like batch geocoding and support for many languages, which…
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Why Are IP Trackers Important For Cybersecurity And Threat Intel?

IP trackers are increasingly being used in cybersecurity, especially with advancements in IP geolocation technology. Cybersecurity, just as the name implies, is the security of the cyber world’s computer systems, computer networks, data networks, and more. This also includes protecting all devices that connect to a network, such as cell phones, computers, edge devices, routers, and…
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How To Create A Weather App For Windows And Mobile Using An API

Creating a weather app for both Windows and mobile platforms using an API is an exciting project. It taps into real-time data and user interface design. Whether you’re a budding developer or a seasoned programmer, this guide will help you understand every aspect of weather app APIs. You will learn how to create a cross-platform real-world weather application using a weather app API called…
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