Public APIs | Top Free Options for Developers by APILAYER

Are you looking to create something amazing but don’t have the resources or an expert team of developers to hand? Free public APIs can be just the thing you need. By utilizing these ready-made, top-free public APIs, developers with any level of experience can access robust tools and create powerful applications easily and free of cost. API Layer is one of the best API marketplaces where…
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The 5 Types of API Marketplaces

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are pretty common these days. Thousands of web apps rely on APIs to integrate specific functionality or data. An API basically allows two software applications or systems to communicate and interact with each other. Today, numerous…

Microservices Design: API Gateway Pattern

Software applications have an increasing user base today. This situation creates new needs in terms of infrastructure and performance that developers must handle. Especially with the rapid growth of web-based applications and services, more modular and scalable structures…

What is a region code?

A country or region code is a standardized abbreviation used to identify a specific country or region. Region codes are used in various contexts. They can be used for telecommunications, currency codes, and internet domain registration. E-commerce businesses also need region codes for international shipping. Moreover, businesses can leverage the region codes of their website visitors to optimize…
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What Is an API Endpoint? What Does It Matter?

An API is essentially an application programming interface that enables software or applications to communicate, interact, and exchange data. It also allows developers to integrate specific functionality or data within their apps. A common term associated with the usage of…

Ipstack Case Study: How Airbnb Uses Geolocation IP Address for Listings

IP geolocation is the process of determining the physical location of an electronic device based on its IP address. The IP geolocation data typically includes country, city, region, latitude and longitude. This information can give organizations significant insights into user behaviour, preferences, and requirements, allowing them to provide more relevant, personalized, and engaging…
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vatlayer Vs VAT API: Which Is the Better VAT Solution?

For businesses providing goods or services to an international customer base, calculating legally correct VAT rates can be a bit complicated. This is because the VAT percentage owed varies from country to country and, in domestic cases, often from state to state. In addition to geographical VAT differences, the type of product a customer purchases, as well as item cost, can often be significant.
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