Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


Using NASA API to Track Events in Space

Are you curious about space, or a student looking for an idea for your next thesis or dissertation project? Do you want to know how much your business is affected by Space Weather? Are you a writer or journalist looking to get the next scoop on interesting space news or a NASA image? There is plenty of inspiration that you can get from each NASA API and a range of commercial APIs available from…
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How to Build an API Marketplace | APILayer

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable you to open up your app’s data and functionality to third-party developers and business partners. They allow services and products to communicate with each other. You can utilize them to accelerate the business process. As a result, API markets are becoming increasingly important. They connect API providers and consumers. They enable you to…
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What Is Scaffolding In An API?

Software development is a time-consuming process that involves several complex tasks. For example, if you’re developing a web app, you need to build the front end, perform several tests related to the app’s functionality, performance, usability, security, architect the database, and so on. Similarly, when developing an API, you need to design the resources and methods, implement a…
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How Do I Get A YouTube API Key? [Tutorial + Examples]

Youtube plays an important role in the promotion of business. We may think of promoting our business by uploading videos on YouTube. But there is another way to do it without using YouTube videos. We can use YouTube API to promote our business, rather than uploading our…

What Is An API Key? Why And When To Use API Keys

Before we get into what is an API key, let’s recall what is an API. An Application Programming Interface specifies how different software components communicate with one another and are used to develop software. They manage requests sent between programs, the methods used to send those requests, and the data formats employed. SOAP vs REST are the two main types of APIs. Now that you know…
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