Unparalleled suite of productivity-boosting Web APIs & cloud-based micro-service applications for developers and companies of any size.


Why You Should Focus On Improving IP Geolocation API

Internet of things, edge and mobile devices have taken a pivotal role in our every day lives. The growing importance of these devices is also leading to a rise in the need for geolocation services. Users expect a customized experience based on their geographic location, their time time zone, their local region and postal code without having to explicitly specify it by using tedious input…
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Common Mistakes Of Address Validation API

You may eliminate fake IDs by using an email address validation API. This assists you in maintaining a clean database with valid email addresses. This means you will always have a record with accurate contact information. You may approach real clients, close significant…

Build A Currency Conversion SMS Chatbot Using Exchange Rates API, And PHP

Currency conversions have kept pace with the digital age. With the rapid advancement of technology in the digital age, currency conversion transactions have accelerated. Both individual users and small/medium/large businesses convert currency every day for different reasons. Today, it is quite possible to convert hundreds of official currencies around the world in just milliseconds through a…
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Build IP Lookup Website Using ipstack With PHP

In this article, Ipstack’s IP lookup API, which finds and identifies the location of website visitors based on their IP address, will be integrated into the PHP programming language. To access the features and documentation of the ipstack API: https://ipstack.com/ What…

10 Quick Tips About Weather Rest API

Nowadays, many applications tend to use weather data. This data can be useful for weather sites or simply displaying current weather. Thus, it is critical to obtain weather forecasts and historical weather data in a timely and trustworthy manner. Companies tend to use a built-in weather rest API for their applications as it simplifies the job significantly. However, it’s challenging to find…
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10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Email Check

Email check is crucial for the success of your business. This is because email check helps ensure your mailing list only has authentic email addresses or customer contact information. This way, you can send emails to the right customers with genuine email IDs and improve the…

Fast-Track For Taking Control Of The Customer Journey Using UserStack

UserStack delivers a real-time, easy-to-use REST API platform that parses User-Agent strings to catch device, browser, and operating system information accurately. This is one of the options you can integrate to create a helpful user experience in your application or website.  UserStack is an instant and secure User-Agent string lookup service trusted by some most innovative…
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