
How To Detect Any Device And OS In Real-Time With Node.js

What is userstack API? The userstack API is a real-time, easy-to-use REST API interface capable of parsing User-Agent strings to precisely detect device, browser, and operating system information.  Implementing the JSON/XML API in your frontend or backend system will give you all the tools you need to take control of your website’s or application’s user…
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How To Create A News Web App In Node.js With A Media API?

We have been exploring different APIs from the apilayer. In one of the demonstrations, we have utilized Node.js to scrape data from web pages. In this post, we will use Node.js and MediaStack API to create a news web app. So this Node.js web app connects to the MediaStack API and shows results in a user-friendly way with Express, EJS, Axios, and some CSS! Another great API that can be…
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Rapidly Automate Your IoT Systems With Meticulous Meteorological Data

IoT is one of the few industries that deal with high volume, high stake, high-risk, and high-streaming data. It is a complex and complicated medium and involves hundreds of data points at the same time. For this reason, the management of microsensors and their related data is a crucial step that is involved in the day-to-day IoT process. Capturing this high volume and volatile data and…
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5 APIs You Can Use To Collect Business Intelligence

In recent years, where more and more technological innovations are taking place, data has appeared to be an essential by-product. According to research, every day we generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data on average. This data, if studied and analyzed properly, can provide…